In a move to stir a civic debate on a national scale, The Great Indian was created as an umbrella property for The Times of India, the leading English daily in India.
It was a satirical tribute to the circus around us, a celebration of interesting 'characters' we see every day.
Under it, we brought certain stereotypes to the fore in a very tongue-in-cheek manner. 
So much tongue. 
The Great Indian Lover was one of them.
It was conceptualized for Valentine's Day to salute the kinds of lovers that exist in India.​​​​​​​
First up, we have Mr. Hardcore. His extremism is fuelled by kilos of one-sided romance and overdramatic Bollywood films. This guy is the stalker you will notice.
He's never met her and he'll die for her.
The second lover, Mr. Love Engineer, is a tribute to all the mama's boys out there. A subtle and poised film which shows how love, like everything else in life, is an equation.
No innocent divorcees, no eggetarian, no ponytail. Home Science graduate preferred, Mumma would like.
Thirdly, we have The Petrified Lamb, an amalgamation of all the insecurities and challenges faced by a teenager. As the hormones rage, the Petrified Lamb tries to muster up the courage to speak to a woman. Watch the struggle here and think about your own.
Awkward AF. Horny AF. Teenage AF.
Agency - 101 India Digital Services Private Limited
Creative Director - Cyrus Oshidar (The Bigg O)
Art Director - Rajni Gadhvi
Writer - Ramiz Shaikh
Director - Surjo Deb
Production House - Ubik Films

At the end of this, a quote:
"Love is not a disease that you'll catch easily. It is a chicken." - Ramiz, second son.

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